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Nut allergy friendly places

by Neil Davidson

Share your experience of good places for people with nut allergies to eat.

Living with an allergy (such as nuts) can be a real pain - especially when going out for a coffee or a meal. You might only go to a few trusted restaurants or avoid eating out altogether. This app will let you (or your family) share experience of good places for people with nut allergies to eat, and also how good the food is. You might be impressed by the clear labelling of a menu or by friendly and well-informed staff who go out of their way to ensure that your needs are met.

Nut allergy (peanut and tree nut) is the most common food allergy in children and adults. Nut allergy can be dangerous and many sufferers need to carry adrenaline at all times to use if they have a serious reaction (anaphylaxis). People with nut allergy are advised to avoid being exposed to nuts, but this can be difficult.

Sharing personal experiences will help others with similar allergies find those places that are better at meeting needs of people with nut allergy.

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Thanks for all the support so far! 3 days in and half way there. Please keep sharing the link to this page and encourage your friends to visit the site to support the movement. Looking forward to creating the app with you all soon... Neil.

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Thanks for all your support so far! One week left and still need a few more supporters. Please share the link to the App Movement page and encourage people to sign up! Neil.

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Hi everyone! Only a few days left to design the app. Please log onto the App Movement site ( and have your say before it is too late! Neil.

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Hi everyone!

Have just spoken to the App Movement Dev team and the NutFree app will be launching on the Apple and Google app stores in the next week or so.

I will let you know again when it launches so you can download it and start posting your reviews!

Thanks again for all your support.



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Neil Davidson

Movement Creator

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