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Movement was unsuccessful
My Hobby FaviTrax

by Kevin Bartolo

Design and save a track using device gps or with an additional gps unit for the device. Tracks can be set out anytime at same or other local

1. Login and choose category (RC Hobbies, Mountain biking, yachting, off road vehicles)
2.Pin on google maps favourite area to use hobby, write short description, rate out of 5 stars done manually on map or by current location GPS
3. Other users can search for areas. Using search criteria - Location, current location via GPS, rating, indoor, outdoor, country, State. They can also rate and comment on the location.
4. Users can record a track they set out using GPS on their device, and markers to allocate gps points on the map (start, gates, flags, Direction markers, finish, custom user markers). The tracks can be saved to users device.
5. Saved tracks can be named, edited offline using editor which also allows duplicating of the track, track can be recalled to be set out at the original or any location, including being able to orientate the track to any position at any location. Using GPS the user can mark out the track including gates flags etc.
6. Each user can upload their favourite track for an area that they have pinned as their favourite, or have rated and commented on an area that has been pinned. Other users can download and use the track and rate and comment on the track.
7. Users can create an event. Other users can search for events or a pop-up will appear for users with an event within 50klm of current location. Users can register (definitely or maybe) for the event, these users will receive via email updates on the event especially in the event of a cancellation. Users can rate and comment on events via a link sent via email at the end of the event.
8. All the tracks that have been rated will be ranked, the top ten listed every month at 1St of the month. The two top tracks for the year(1St January each year) will be listed as that years two tracks for standardisation testing of equipment. The initial two tracks for the first two years will be designed by Justin Skinner of Neato frames and Kevin if
9. Future inclusions can be event management can post top pilot speeds at venue and on track. Users that design tracks and upload to locations can include their top speed and track time.


Order by date

Kevin Bartolo

Movement Creator




days to go


people shared

This movement did not gather enough support to progress to the design phase. (36 / 150)